
Getting sick is, unfortunately, a fact of life. But, when you’re feeling under the weather, reaching for over-the-counter treatments or turning to big pharma isn’t the only option. Mother Nature has us covered, with thousands of remedies for a multitude of illness symptoms.

We’ve put together a lot of information about powerful remedies available courtesy of Mother Earth, and of course we include DIY recipes and our favorite products too!

Here’s to your health, friend (and a speedy recovery if you’re feeling sick)!


Our articles cover a range of ailments and a variety of remedy options. That’s the beauty of Mother Nature: she gives so many options, so she’s there for you no matter where you live or what resources you have around you. Read on to find out how to address the illness symptoms you’re experiencing!

Healing Articles





Take a look at our recipes to learn how to make simple remedies for a wide range of illness symptoms. We have you covered with herbs, tinctures, salves, and more.

Healing Recipes





You can find products we love and trust discussed in the articles and the recipes, but to save you time, we also list them all here.

We hope that the commercial products (and products used in the DIY recipes) we list here will help you bounce back fast when you aren’t feeling 100%!

Healing Products





Disclaimer: All information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition for any human or animal, and Mother Nature’s Truths, as well as the author(s), contributor(s), publishers, and owners accept no responsibility for such use. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury, or who has an animal suffering from such, should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.