Why and How to Use the Amazing Thieves Essential Oil Blend 

The Thieves essential oil blend is, in my opinion, one of the greatest blends ever. I use it all the time, in a wide variety of applications. That’s because the oils that are in it have a ton of benefits and because it smells amazing.


Curious about the benefits? Well, look no further, because I’ve put together a list of them here. And below that, I’ve also included a list of some of the ways you can use Thieves blend to make a positive impact on your life.


The Benefits of Thieves essential oil blend

Thieves blend is made up of a variety of oils: most commonly, it includes cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and rosemary essential oils. The story goes that, back in the time of the Black Plague, a group of 4 merchants turned to robbing graves and homes of people who died from the plague. They had to do that because the plague had shut down the ports, and they were no longer able to make a living from shipping spices and tea. To keep themselves safe from the plague, they created a blend of herbs and spices that they breathed in to ward off the disease.


The blend worked—they didn’t catch the plague—but eventually the authorities caught up to them. When they were caught, the king (or maybe a judge—the story gets told both ways) was baffled as to how they stayed safe and healthy despite constant exposure to people who had died from the plague. They agreed to share the secret in exchange for their freedom. And that secret recipe, my friends, was the basis for the blend that you can buy (or make yourself) today.


I have no idea if the story is true, but what I do know is that the oils that make up the blend are incredibly powerful. In fact, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of each one…and remember, you’re getting all of these benefits when you use the blend!


Cinnamon: Studies have shown that it has wound healing properties. It also has high antimicrobial activity and has been shown to reduce the amount of certain types of bacteria in wounds. Plus, it can inhibit the growth of respiratory pathogens.


Clove: Like cinnamon essential oil, clove essential oil has also demonstrated strong antimicrobial properties.


Eucalyptus: Similarly, eucalyptus essential oil has been shown to have high antimicrobial activity, especially against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, it can promote wound healing and may help relieve pain.


Lemon: Lemon oil has been found to have antimicrobial properties.


Rosemary: Studies have shown that inhaling rosemary oil can help people feel fresher, more active. It also has a stimulating effect on mood.


Anecdotal benefits: The information above comes from a comprehensive book about essential oils that lists findings that researchers have carried out on the specific essential oils. There are also a ton of benefits that have been reported about the blend itself; while not studied extensively, these benefits have been reported by a large number of people, and shouldn’t be dismissed just because they haven’t been formally studied yet. These benefits include boosting immunity, helping fight congestion (both nasal and sinus), and promoting respiratory and cardiovascular health.


If you’re interested in looking at some studies for yourself, here are a few good ones:


Better than Lysol: Studies have shown that Thieves is just as effective as bleach, and more effective than Lysol, at killing bacteria and other germs.


Bottom line, Thieves oil blend is amazing, and if you aren’t already using it, it’s a great one to add to the rotation.


How to Use Thieves blend

There are a bunch of ways to get the benefits of Thieves into your daily life. Some of my favorites are listed below.



I love to diffuse a few drops of Thieves blend to freshen the air. I find that it makes me more alert, so it’s perfect for the afternoon sleepies, and the blend also seems to help me relax if I’m feeling stressed out.


Inhaling in steam

If I’m kind of congested, I like to do a steam inhalation with Thieves blend (and I also reach for  elderberry syrup to help my body fight off whatever’s going on). Doing the steam inhalation is pretty easy:


I boil water in a small saucepan, then add a few drops of Thieves to the water. Then, I turn the heat off and remove the pan from the heat. I put a towel over my head and lean over the pan (sometimes I move the water/oil to a bowl, but usually I’m just careful not to bump into the hot pan). I close my eyes and breathe in as deeply as I can through my nose. I do that for a while, until the steam fades or I get bored.


For detailed instructions and precautions about steam inhalations, or to learn how to do steam inhalation with herbs, check out this article!



I love to keep DIY Thieves wipes on hand for quick wipe-downs of the kitchen and bathroom counters. These wipes are a great replacement for those handy conventional, but unfortunately potentially harmful, disinfecting wipes. Check out how to make your own Thieves wipes here!


General cleaning

I love to make a Thieves cleaning spray and use it for all sorts of cleaning applications, including cleaning mirrors, cleaning the bathroom, and cleaning the kitchen. Click here to learn how to make your own Thieves general cleaning spray—it’s super easy!


 Now that you know the benefits of Thieves blend and some of the ways to use it, check out our article about how to make your own by clicking hereYou can also get pre-made blends here.


Click here for more resources and information on this topic.




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