Homeopathic First Aid for Animals

I think you will agree that our animals can get into some of the craziest situations! This is especially true for those that are allowed access to the great outdoors, but even those that primarily spend their lives inside (and we do hope they get to go out into the sunshine some each day!) can benefit from their human having a first-aid kit on hand.

I’m not talking about just any first-aid kit, either. I’m talking about a homeopathic first aid kit. Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and powerful; having some remedies on hand can make a huge difference if your animal hurts themselves or needs some support.

Be Prepared Ahead of Time

I get it: an acute injury can be great cause for concern, not just for the animal’s well-being, but also because it may mean a trip to the vet, with all the complications that may bring. Certainly if life or limb is in jeopardy, then you should take your pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

However, homeopathic first aid for animals is a great option to use in the meantime, or perhaps even in lieu of a vet trip if the case is less serious. No matter what, making sure you’re prepared ahead of time will speed up resolution of most first-aid situations.

Safe and Simple Remedies

True homeopathy is safe and, with regard to first-aid treatment, it is simple enough to be given to animals by anyone—even those that have never seen a homeopathic remedy.

Those that are somewhat familiar with the time-consuming method of selecting the “right” remedy under classical homeopathy (known as repertorization) will be pleased to know that this process is not needed in situations requiring first aid. That’s because, in those situations, there is a constant relationship between aspects of the shock or trauma and the remedy. 

In this article, we will explore some of the more common recommendations for putting together a homeopathic first-aid kit for your cat or dog and how to use the remedies.  This list is certainly not exhaustive, but it is a great starting point.

Homeopathic First-Aid Remedies

Aconite: this remedy is known as “arnica for the eye” in first-aid treatment.  Any physical injury to the eye area calls for this one.  This remedy is also primary in situations where there is shock with fear.

Arnica: this is the one remedy that should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet.  It is the first line of defense in any situation that involves either emotional shock or physical contusion (bruising), or both.

Belladonna: use this remedy in situations of heat exhaustion/overheating, sunstroke, etc; note that Glonoine is also typically given in these situations.

Calendula: this is the remedy to use for all cuts and scrapes

Hypericum: think of nerves when you think of this remedy.  Anytime there is damage to nerve-rich areas of the body, this is one of the remedies you will want to give.

Ledum: this is the remedy used for puncture wounds, and that includes punctures from insects (Apis is also used in insect “bites,” particularly from bee stings).

Nux-vomica: when there is a situation of over-eating or gorging on something, give this remedy.  Note there is a set of remedies that may be combined and is typically used in all digestive upset/colic cases:  Arsenicum (where poisoning is suspected)/Nux-vomica/Lycopodium (flatulence, bloat, is liver specific)/Carbo-veg (loss of vitality, collapse)/Colocynthis (use in any case that centers around a colic).

Phosphorus: this remedy is used for bleeding issues; certainly, you must take appropriate measures in arterial or venous bleeding, but capillary bleeding is the most common and less serious first-aid bleeding situation for this one.  Apply pressure and give Phos frequently until the bleeding is stopped.

Ruta: this is the remedy to think of when there is a strain or sprain; it is generally given along with Arnica.

Silicea: use this remedy when your dog or cat gets some kind of foreign object stuck in their paw, etc.  Please note that this remedy will extract objects, and that includes implanted devices; use in lower potency and do not continue beyond the immediate intended purpose.

How to Give the Remedies

You may store and use the remedies either in dry form (pellet) or wet form (pellets dissolved in 80/20 solution of distilled water/vodka and kept in a dropper bottle).  Either a 30C or 200C potency is fine in first-aid situations, but typically going above or below that potency is not used in these kinds of acute situations.

All that is needed is to get the remedy on a mucus membrane, and in dire cases simply holding the pellets or drops under the animal’s nose can begin to resolve the issue.  How often to give the remedy(s) will depend upon the severity of the situation.  It can range from one or two doses given about 15-30 minutes apart in relative mild situations (such as for bleeding from a nail trimmed too close), to dosing every minute or less in very severe situations (such as for an unconscious animal).





Here is a round-up of products mentioned in the article for your shopping convenience!