How to Make Your Own Effective, Natural Cleaning Spray

I’m gonna level with you, my friend. I cook a lot, I feed my dogs a raw diet, and I am a bit of a stickler for cleanliness. But along with that insistence on cleanliness comes a strong aversion to using cleaning products that have ingredients that could potentially harm my family (two-legged or four). That means I’ve had to find powerful, effective solutions to keeping the house clean and the germs at bay…and luckily, I’ve found a lot of great products and DIY recipes that let me do that!


One of the things I use the most is a general cleaning spray to get rid of the nastiness that can lurk, invisible, on my counters and other surfaces in the house, after cooking, preparing the dogs’ food, and so on. This spray takes advantage of the Thieves blend essential oil, which combines powerful antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory essential oils. It also contains compounds that increase immunity, which seems like an awesome bonus. It’s more effective than Lysol and just as effective as bleach (and in fact, it works even better than Clorox over time). Plus, it smells good, and it won’t harm me, my family, or my counters, even with frequent use.


Making the spray is pretty simple. To make it even more convenient for you, I’m going to share two different ways of making the spray. You can decide which you prefer (I’ve used both methods, and honestly, I love them both) and go from there.


General Natural Cleaning Spray with Thieves Household Cleaner

In a glass or plastic spray bottle, combine Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner and water at a ratio of 30:1. I don’t get too worked up about getting the ratio exactly right, though. I use a 32-ounce bottle, and put in approximately an ounce and a little bit of the cleaner and then fill the rest of the bottle with water. I used to measure out an ounce and a little bit, but now I just sort of eyeball it. My counters have not suffered in the slightest, but you can always test in an inconspicuous area first.


Shake well before using, then spray and wipe! I use microfiber cloths so that I can wash and reuse them. Paper towels would work just fine too.


General Natural Cleaning Spray with Thieves blend essential oil

In a glass or plastic spray bottle, combine 5-7 drops Thieves blend per ½ ounce water. If this is too strong, reduce to 5-7 drops Thieves per 1 ounce water. Shake vigorously before using. Again, you may want to test on an inconspicuous place before you go hog-wild.


Some people will also add an emulsifier (which is just an ingredient that can bind the oil and water-based components of a recipe; e.g. soap). You can add a few drops of Castile soap, solubol, or a 1:1 ratio of Witch Hazel and Thieves to your blend. Shake well and spray as normal.


You can buy Thieves blend from Young Living or DoTerra, but that can get expensive. Want to make your own? Check out our easy recipe to DIY this powerful blend of oils!





Here is a round-up of products mentioned in the article for your shopping convenience!


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Disclaimer: All information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition for any human or animal, and Mother Nature’s Truths, as well as the author(s), contributor(s), publishers, and owners accept no responsibility for such use. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury, or who has an animal suffering from such, should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.